Breaking Chains Honduras exists to serve and seek change for those affected by urban poverty in Tegucigalpa by meeting basic needs and developing human relationships that act as a gateway toward a relationship with Christ. The ministry building houses between 5 and 15 young adults at any given time with the goal of spiritually and physically ministering to those young adults and helping them move toward independence. Through the help of U.S. donors, the ministry also seeks to break the cycle of poverty for families by sponsoring local children to receive private education from established, Honduran-run schools in the city. The ministry building also serves as a community center and houses our church services where we grow together with our Breaking Chains family.

How is Breaking Chains Honduras Supported?

Breaking Chains is supported entirely by individual, church and business contributions. The ministry receives no funding from the federal governments of the United States or Honduras. We rely heavily on recurring donations from generous people in the U.S. and abroad to sustain our day to day activities. As the ministry continues to grow, we are consistently in need of more regular supporters. If you are interested in giving regularly to Breaking Chains or making a one-time donation, you can visit the donate page.

Are donations to BReaking Chains Honduras Tax deductible?

Yes. Breaking Chains Honduras is recognized as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code and contributions to the organization are tax deductible. 

How Can I volunteer with Breaking Chains honduras?

You can find our more information about bringing groups to work alongside our ministry in our group information packet. Young adults may also apply for our summer lead intern or general intern positions. 

What does the ministry need the most?

Breaking Chains is first and foremost always in need of prayer. We are also always in need of financial donations to fund our daily operations, building and staffing costs. If you would like to give financially, please click here

Breaking Chains also needs several items throughout the year to better serve those who visit the ministry. These items include general medical and hygiene supplies as well as education and office supplies. For a full list of items and more information about how to donate them, please email mail@bchonduras.org.

Can I Mail things to the ministry in honduras?

Rather than mailing items directly to Honduras, we typically suggest that people send items down with someone who is traveling to the country. That method is typically more cost and time-effective than regular mail. If you are interested in sending something to Breaking Chains, please email mail@bchonduras.org and we can connect you with someone who could carry the items with them.