Coming to the end of a full year of virtual, bilingual school


When in-person learning shut down in March of 2020, the idea of virtual school seemed impossible. It seemed especially impossible for our bilingual students, many of whom did not have technology access at home or parents who could help with that level of learning.

At that time, we thought it would hopefully be for just a few weeks - how cute and naïve of us. If we had known then that remote learning would last not only the rest of last school year, but also the full 2020-2021 school year, we might have just called it quits. Thankfully, we didn’t. And even more thankfully, our kids and their parents have grown and succeeded in ways our limited minds couldn’t have imagined.

In just a few weeks, our bilingual students will complete one full year of virtual schooling. Thanks to generous sponsors, each child has a tablet or phone with internet access to be able to connect with their teachers and complete online assignments. Early into the school year, the schools also figured out a way to do “homework club” and tutoring online. That was a game changer for our students so they could get extra support to learn difficult subjects and do well on tests.


A few of our students have struggled with motivation in working from home and have needed lots of extra pushes from our staff and their teachers. However, many others have thrived. Several of our students made the honor roll for the first time and are doing better in their classes than they even were while in person. Some of them only had a year of bilingual school under their belt when the pandemic started, and yet they rose to the challenge and completed their work in English without in-person support. Nearly all of the students are on track to pass on to the next grade without issue.

While we are incredibly proud of our students, we are equally proud of their parents. Any parent who has done virtual school with a child in the States knows how difficult it can be. Many of our parents in Honduras dealt with the same thing, but with a much lower level of education themselves. A few of our students’ parents cannot even read, yet they made sure their kids signed into class every day, did their assignments and helped them as best they could. We feel like their child passing the year is just as much a success for the parents as it is for their children.

Thank you to the many sponsors who helped each of our students during the year through encouragement and financial support. We are grateful to have so many people in their corners, championing them from afar. Things are on track to start virtually again in August, but we are hopeful that at some point during the year they can return to in-person learning. Until then, we ask that you continue to keep each of these students, their parents and their teachers in your prayers!

In August, we will start five more students in bilingual school. Each child will need $250 monthly to cover their tuition, transportation and tutoring costs. Please consider if you may be able to help one of these children with monthly giving of any amount. If you are interested, please contact to see the profiles of the children awaiting sponsorship.

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